So I'm being all sneak and stuff like a good little sneaky-jerk. I flawlessly approach my target completely unnoticed (even in heavy armor). I place some nifty poison on my War-hammer and prepare to do a power attack for maximum sneaky-hurt! I hold down the right trigger on my controller laughing maniacally, but something goes wrong. Almost immediately after my character lifts his weapon, it glitches down to the passive position, completely canceling the animation. And to make things worse, my maximum sneaky-hurt power plan is a no-go, because when the animation glitched it counted as as a regular attack.
this happens to me a lot... regardless of the weapon or character... even on my dagger character. Like, DA-FUQ MAN!?
Does this happen to anyone else, does anyone know why this happens, and does anyone know how to stop this from happening? I've checked the wiki and there's no mention of this Bug. This bug has almost killed my new legendary DiD character (as in the above example)
(sorry, i didnt want to use youtube for such a short video, just click "to download")