I`m playing through RoHT/Telvani House membership for the first time and I`m having a blast. Or, I did...until I hit my current problem.
I`m supposed to plant a letter into Orvas Dren desk. However, I`m having a really hard time getting to that said desk as I get detected IMMEDIATELY and end up at the front door, spite the fact my chameleon effect is way over 100%. Its like the members inside that house are psychic.
I tried with tcl command (yes, cheater) and actually got to the desk, turned clipping back on, planted the letter an...nothing. No journal entry or anything. So, I did some mod testing, trying to find a possible conflict - with no avail.
It could be that my character is just too bad at this (playing a pure mage, sneaking is the last thing I was focusing on), it could be a mod conflict. But right now I would be most happy to just find the quest ID and command to advance through this particular problem. So, does anyone know how I can look up quest stages of mods inside the CK?