How to tweak sunlight to avoid this effect

Post » Sun Nov 17, 2013 2:41 am

I'm using SkyRealism ENB, and would appreciate some advice on how to tweak my sunlight effects (in enbseries.ini or enbeffect.fx) so that it doesn't have the low-contrast effect that you can see in the following screenshots.

Here's sunrise by Solitude ( As you see, the sun reduces the contrast of the environment (when the sun is blocked, the contrast is perfect). Do you know what I might adjust to make direct sunlight affect contrast less?

Here's direct sunlight on Markarth ( Again you can see that the sunlight significantly reduces the contrast of the environment. Curiously however, the horse cart and the nearby tower are unaffected. I don't know why that is, but I'd prefer for the background to appear with the same level of contrast as the tower and horse cart.

Thanks for your time and any advice you might provide.

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Ella Loapaga
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