EDIT:oh dear, no posts at all in this forum for ten minutes?
EDIT:oh dear, no posts at all in this forum for ten minutes?
here is a link: http://uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Dawnguard_Rune_Axe
thanks, i read that but i've heard conflicting details everywhere. It sounds silly not to believe it, but maybe im just in denial.
Shame you have to be apart of dawnguard to get these items, quite stupid. I think all the new items should be available to player despite faction choices, that should really just change how the story is played out. Another blunder by bethesda.
My axe has cheerfully informed me that it has wacked 325 undead...no signs of resetting at dawn since I've had it.
I'm actually just about to do the quest to get this item. Is it powerful?
It's like a kill-counter in my favorite war axe.