Best enchantments for weapons and armor

Post » Sun Nov 17, 2013 11:55 pm

This is a list of the best possible combinations of enchantments on your weapons and armor that my friend and I have developed and tested ourselves. There are several different types of combinations on several different types of armor for different character classes but in order to have the two enchantments on the same item you need 100 enchanting and the extra effect perk. Here they are...

Warrior: Chest; fortify health, fortify heavy armor. Helm; fortify destruction, water breathing. Boots; fortify carry weight, fortify stamina regen. Gauntlets; fortify one handed, fortify archery. Shield; resist magic, fortify block. Amulet; fortify one handed, fortify carry weight. Or amulet of Talos. Ring; fortify magicka, fortify archery. One handed weapon; Chaos damage, fiery soul trap. Bow; chaos damage, paralyze. (Stalhrim or Nordic weapons and armor suggested)

Barbarian: Chest; fortify light armor, fortify health. Helm; water breathing, fortify archery. Boots; fortify carry weight, fortify two handed. Gauntlets; fortify two handed, fortify light armor. Amulet; fortify block, fortify stamina. Ring; fortify health, resist disease. Two handed weapon; chaos damage, absorb stamina. Bow; absorb health, absorb stamina.

Mage: Circlet; fortify destruction, fortify health. Or dragon priest masks Nahkriin or Morokei. Robes; fortify destruction and magicka regen, fortify conjuration. Or the Archmage's robes. Gloves; fortify lock picking, fortify carry weight. Boots; muffle, fortify stamina. Amulet; fortify destruction, fortify conjuration. Or Necromancer Amulet. Ring; fortify destruction, fortify conjuration. Or Nightweaver's band.

Regardless of what is posted here there are still many other enchantment combos out there and we encourage you to try them. Also in order to take the maximum advantage of these perks you'll need to upgrade the enchanter perk all the way to 5 of 5. Hope this guide helped please leave a comment if you found this helpful and my friend and I will do some more guides. Peace out!

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Ria dell
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