I wanna set Player.SetAV healrate from 0.7 to 0.05
Tried the console command and creating an ESP but the value always gets back to 0.7
Setting timescale for example works fine and is remembered after reloading.
I wanna set Player.SetAV healrate from 0.7 to 0.05
Tried the console command and creating an ESP but the value always gets back to 0.7
Setting timescale for example works fine and is remembered after reloading.
See here for the actor values which do not persist across saves. http://www.creationkit.com/Actor_Value#Notes
See here for how to create a maintenance quest to fix this. http://www.creationkit.com/OnPlayerLoadGame_-_Actor
Cheers .
So the script should look like:
;Skrim Load Script;Set the player's healrate value to 0.05ScriptName PlayerHealRateScriptEvent OnPlayerLoadGame() Game.GetPlayer().SetActorValue("healrate", 0.05)endEvent
What are the next steps? Put this in a .psc file in the data/script/source folder? compile it with creation kit?
Not sure how to get the game to regard this, never done this before