Putting sound to a flute?

Post » Tue Nov 19, 2013 12:11 am

I tried the search option and found nothing on this. I made an beggar NPC and set her AI package up to stand in the middle of Whiterun and play a flute. The play flute idle marker was set up and she went to it on time. And she started playing her flute. Only trouble was, the flute wasn't making any sound. I don't want to set her up as a bard.

I plan to ( " when I learn more about scripting and creating new voice types that is" ) set her up as a beggar that plays for her handouts rather than the vanilla version of just asking. But for right now I just wanted her to play.

Is there some sort of script I need to put in the idle marker or maybe the NPC so that the flute has audio?

Thanks for any help.

ps.. I tried placing a flute in her inventory and that didn't help. :(

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Kelly John
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