...but I've already run across some Falmer Warmongers and Chaurus hunters....damn they are tough. It's good to have somewhat of a challenge again, haha.
...but I've already run across some Falmer Warmongers and Chaurus hunters....damn they are tough. It's good to have somewhat of a challenge again, haha.
I'm playing a Master difficulty playthrough for the first time and THAT is a challenge. Especially with enemies that level with you. I just fought Kvenel the Tongue earlier and I can't tell you how many times I failed before finally beating him and his stupid Frost Atronach.
You mentioned the Chaurus Hunters. I came across one or two of them the other day and you're right, they are a challenge.
But I like the challenge. Beats just breezing through a game with little difficulty.
Yeah, I'm on Expert right now, and it's just Jenassa and myself (Ranger from my avatar). Other than my legendary Nord Hero swords, we aren't that decked out in super equipment. If I get complacent with my arrow dodging or "parrying" with my sword, it's game over, pal. This is even with over 400 health, hehe. I may have to go pick up Vigilance, whom I left at the Thieves Guild, with his "epic" furry-ness!
Falmer Warmongers and Chaurus Hunters? They're added with Dawnguard.
Not entirely sure, but I think they can appear in any place where Falmer and Chaurus can be found, such as Blackreach. I'd assume the player would have to be at higher levels, though.
Yeah, they can appear in areas in the vanilla game, assuming you're high enough level.
Dawnguard is worth it just for the Soul Cairn.
Keep hearing about it...can't wait to visit it. After my current adventure (helping out the mages college), I've got a lead on something interesting going down in a dwemer ruin in The Reach
Is this sarcasm or do you seriously like the Cairn? Personally I thought it was terrible and the only good thing about it is a few new summons, Arvak, and the friend at the end. It feels so big and barren with everything looking the same.
I loved it. Sure it was samey but it felt self-contained and gives a ton of nice rewards. I didn't like the long walks but I liked the area and idea.
I like the Soul Cairn. There could have and should have been more to do and a little more to explore, but I still like what we got out of it. My favorite part about it being the look and atmosphere. My kinda place. I'd live in a place like that every day for the rest of my life if I could.
Pretty sure the highlight for Dawnguard (for me at least) was the Forgotten Vale. Pretty much the most beautiful location in the entire game.
It's pretty, but it's hard to navigate through.
I like Ancestor Glade a lot, and as silly as it sounds, one of the highlights for me was seeing a Follower actually interact with the world around them. That dark dungeon leading up to the Vale is also very nice.
I was also fond of arrow crafting.
Like the depths of Castle Volkihar. Going through that place can be confusing.