as I'm sure you all have seen, the website well if you highlight the page it says is fine print "nuclear winter is coming, Reserve your new home today 870-260-2299" well i called the number and it plays this kind of '50s info-mercial music, and then some Morse code at the end, at first listen i just thought it was the same Morse code as the website, but further investigation showed that what was on the recording was different than the website. after translation I found that the Morse code means "COB7667" I've looked into a few ideas of my own on what it could be, city of birth 7667, city of Boston, and a few others but have come up short handed. does anyone else have any ideas? cause I'm stumped... the 7667 is what gets me the most because the only date i could figure was, "City Of Boston June, 7 2067" or "City Of Boston July, 6 2067" the only reason I'm saying Boston is i remember seeing that Bethesda was scouting that region lately. so what happened on those dates or any other ideas?