On my way to see Septimus about a certain scroll, Serana appeared to have a case of "http://i.imgur.com/gR0rtM7.png." Stuck on an Ice Flow, I can not get her to follow me. What is her ID?
She did not follow me (respawn) into Septimus' place. I tried going into Winterhold and Frostfruit Inn(?), but she did not appear when I got inside. I slept and she is still gone. I went outside, no respawn. Back inside to nothing. She is still back on the ice flow.
UESP lists her refid as xx002B74 and her baseid as xx002B6C. I get error messages using either of them. Someone on GameFaqs used prid 02002b74 to grab her. I get an error.
I am using:
movetoplayer [enter]
Am I doing this right? I use the console commands for only turning off menus and free camera commands, so this is a new thing for me
Thanks for any help