I'd appreciate some advice about making ad-hoc updates to esp-files that I'm actively using in-game.
I'm playing Skyrim in German, and have spent much time making sure that my favorite mods are consistently translated. However, a few of my favorite weapon and armor mods add so many items with English names that I won't translate them all. In example, if i was going to translate aMidianBorn's "Differently Ebony.esp" I'd have to translate several hundred entries, for each combination of armor item and magic effect. Because of this I'm not going to translate the mod (aside from base items), but if I find myself in a situation where I'd like to use one of those untranslated armor items with my character, I'd like to edit the esp-file so that the respective item is displayed in German.
My question is: Are there any risks associated with making such ad-hoc translation fixes to esp-files that I'm actively using for my character? In example, can such changes cause instability, even though they only affect the Name field, not the ID field?
This is the only kind of change I'll make to the items: