Am I the only person here who shares this opinion? I recently saw mention on gaming websites of trademarks being filed for Fallout 4, but my excitement dulled when I remembered Bethesda would be making it. Don't get me wrong, I love Fallout 3, but it doesn't have the same style of New Vegas. They're both quite different. Fallout 3 is, like Skyrim or Oblivion, weak in storyline, but great in exploration. New Vegas is the total opposite. So, am I the only person who would like to see Obsidian and Bethesda both making Fallout games? Bethesda work on the main games (Fallout 3, 4, 5, etc) and then Obsidian doing subtitled games like New Vegas based upon the engine and whatnot from the previous game (New Vegas was similar in design to Fallout 3, for example)?
In my opinion, New Vegas is the best open-world RPG game ever made in terms of storyline. Lonesome Road in particular was really interesting and it really made you question your moral decisions. The voice acting wasn't bad either, better than Skyrim, anyway.