This seems a rather basic question and I'm certain that you lore buffs will put me in my place. I almost feel as though this may have been asked before (Maybe even by me! I'm forgetful!) but I cannot find the information I'm looking for.
The thrust of it is this: what happens to Jyggalag once he's defeated during the last Greymarch? He's obviously not killed. (I'm not even sure that a Daedric Prince can die, honestly.) So....what? Jyggalag wanders Oblivion without a realm of his own for 200 years? I understand that 200 years for a Daedric Prince might as well be a few days but is the idea that Jyggalag's basically tromping about Oblivion, carving out a realm of his own? I mean, the Greymarch isn't a thing anymore, to my understanding.
How far off the mark am I?