Hey folks
So I've gotten to the point in Skyrim's MQ that forces the cultists to start spawning to try and get me to start Dragonborn, because the game didn't already lack enough in terms of a narrative focus (Oh? Getting involved in the Main Quest are we? Well perhaps you'd like to play an entirely different questline that is only vaguely and tangentially related to this one!), but that was fine because I assumed that just like every other questline the game throws at you without pausing to hear your opinion of the matter, it would do that and be done with it. I'd kill these Cultists and be able to go about my business, singing and dancing and carrying on.
But the Cultists aren't stopping. They just keep coming at me again and again, selfishly demanding I kill them rather than continue about my happy role play.
So the purposes of this thread are basically two-fold:
1) Kvetch about the unintuitive manner to force me to complete a questline I'd rather do later that Bethesda seemed hellbent on going about when they created this DLC and
2) See if my peers know anything about how to get these damn Cultists to just leave me alone short of starting Dragonborn.