Spellsword Armor Question

Post » Mon Nov 25, 2013 2:36 pm

Whereas I am very new to Skyrim and having learning issues with the combat system ( I am used to Dragon Age Origins style ), I used heavy armor on my spellsword while exploring. In doing so, I forgot I had it on, and during combat (or maybe quickly after it ended?), there was a flash across the screen that my heavy armor perk increased. So my question is this....should I stick wth the heavy armor, or dump it, and go with light armor, which is originally what a spellsword should use? I just became a level 3 spellsword, so no real issues if I have to switch.

(Note: The issue I am having is my ability to learn it and not a reflection on Skyrim. I am a big fan of DAO point and click's style, where I can pause, strategize, and watch the action rather than be a part of it. Over time, I am sure I will learn this system, and will get to like it as well.)

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Samantha Jane Adams
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Post » Mon Nov 25, 2013 8:28 pm

Your armor skill will gradually go up each time you are hit on that piece of armor. As to Light or Heavy , pick the one you like the look of the best & you feel more comfortable maneuvering in.

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Lady Shocka
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