Congratulations and the best of luck!
Congratulations and the best of luck!
Congratulations AJV Best of luck there at Bungie.
Very inspiring stuff. Thank you!
And good luck!!
Awesome! I think everyone on here was pulling for you, so congrats, and great work
Congratulations, Alex. Bungie has picked up some great talent here.
I remain sceptical, I have read so many bad things over the years about Bungie, Inc on websites like PCGamer, RockPaperShotgun, The Escapist and so forth that I can't just change my mind on a dime so to speak.
However I am assuaged that at least they will have one more level headed and intelligent person on board now, maybe in time I will grow to like the developer
I doubt you will have enough spare time now to update Falskaar, but hope you really enjoy the new job.
Hey man, that's great news! Thank you for your contribution to the community and may your career be long and prosperous!