Children in Skyrim [please keep it mature]

Post » Wed Nov 27, 2013 3:08 am

Really, outside of Balgruuf's children, Braith, and that one boy from Riverwood, I can't remember any bratty children.

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Post » Wed Nov 27, 2013 3:04 am

My daughters Sophie and Lucia are the most well-behaved children in Skyrim Sir.

Love, support , a warm bed, decent food, friends to play with and the occasional enchanted dagger. Plus a few ground rules and a pet bunny.

Makes a home fit for a king. Or a queen and her Mjoll.

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Izzy Coleman
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Post » Tue Nov 26, 2013 11:21 pm

I like most of the kids in Skyrim and I'm glad Beth put them in the game. Most of them are alright and just a few are annoying (One of Balgruf's kids has a good excuse for the way he acts.)
The children at Honor Hall are nice. I like the adoption feature and hope they keep it in future games. I do wish there had been some children of each race.
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Darren Chandler
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Post » Wed Nov 27, 2013 8:55 am

I'm able to sell all of my leftover Skooma to Sofie in Windhelm so kids in Skyrim aren't that bad.

Most of the annoying children are in Whiterun hold for some reason.

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Post » Tue Nov 26, 2013 11:14 pm

Reason is some PC way of keeping us all cool with the game. Why bother, time would be better spent on actually writing better questlines IMO.

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Post » Wed Nov 27, 2013 9:54 am

And that could seriously mess with your game in terms of getting people to like you if you got it.

But speaking of Fallout, you want to talk about bratty kids? Try visiting The Den in Fallout 1, where kids hang around the doors to all the shops...and try to rob you blind every single time you walk past them.

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Daniel Lozano
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Post » Wed Nov 27, 2013 2:29 pm

I assume children are invincible for the same reason that they included same six marriage, political correctness.

I'm sure someone would whine about their deaths and call it, "offensive" thus, giving the company a bad rep.

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Post » Tue Nov 26, 2013 11:10 pm

Gee, why would a game manufacturer obey the demands of a governing board that can keep their product off the store shelves? Tough question that.

Meanwhile, what makes anyone think a bratty little snot head wouldn't say something stupid to someone in Daedric armor? I have no doubt that most real world advlts could twist the head off a ten year old, but some real world ten year olds don't seem to realize it. Plenty of stupid things said behind the shelter of being just a kid, Daedric armor and a sword wouldn't change that.

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Kristian Perez
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Post » Wed Nov 27, 2013 2:00 am

There's plenty of PC Mods that make the Children Killable...even add Children to the Forsworn and Bandit camps around. I tried the latter for awhile - I'm big on immersion - but I had to turn it off the first Forsworn encampment I came to.

I found the idea of actually killing children, even if they were screaming for my blood (The Forsworn/Bandit kids are fully hostile to you and can use weapons)...I'm not that monstrous. I apperciate Bethesda finally adding Children to their game worlds...and I'm perfectly fine with them being invincible.

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Post » Wed Nov 27, 2013 2:34 pm

The bad thing about kids in Skyrim is simply that they will never grow up, and their behavior will never change. In RL, you can console yourself with the thought that one day that smart mouthed little creep is going to come of age, and then punching his lights out is only a misdemeanor. Most mouthy kids get hit often enough by other kids, that by the time they do grow up, they understand that words have consequences. T
his will never happen in Skyrim...

Adding kids to Forsworn camps and bandit holds isn't really a bad idea, though I really can't get behind killing them indiscriminately. I think that a good comprimise might have been to make nasty childrens run in terror after receiving an unrelenting force shout or perhaps a fear shout. Keep them invincible, but make them vulnerable enough to give satisfaction.

Another compromise might be to use the Native American concept of the Whip Man. In some tribes, parents never administered physical punishment on kids, but they had a professional called the Whip Man (or Whipper Woman) who parents could call on to administer punishment. In such a tribe, if you were to ask a mouthy kid where (or who) the Whip Man is, there would be an immediate attitude adjustment.

Just sayin' :D

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Fanny Rouyé
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Post » Wed Nov 27, 2013 6:29 am

Im pretty sure at least 85% of skyrim would-be-children-murderers wouldnt be so enthusiastic about sticking a blade into em if the kids were....normal. And not crazily rude and bratty. Its ridiculous. Although to be fair im generalising pretty much here; i think only the children in whiterun are such utter brats. There's braith and the other scum who live in dragonsreach. I've never really met other rude kids if im not wrong.

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Post » Wed Nov 27, 2013 7:08 am

Look at Clem from 'The Walking Dead' for a very good example of how to make a child character NOT annoying. Raise your hand if you actually felt attached to her, and didn't think her as an annoying burden you had to drag around.

I mean, seriously, program the kids to have some respect and common sense (as in, don't pick a fight with a guy clad in Daedric armor) and every once in a while, they come to you to reveal an undiscovered cave/fort "filled with treasures, maybe?" for you to explore. Hell, you could even have them remark on your equipment like, "Wow! Where did you get that armor? I wish I had it!" or "Hey, can you do a spell for me? I like watching you shoot things from your hands."
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