Things I've learned from Skyrim

Post » Wed Nov 27, 2013 4:02 pm

1. Raising an army of Undead to conquer Tamriel is never as good an idea as you thought it was to begin with. For one thing undead are really, really stupid. And if they're not then they're litches. Do you really think a litch is going to let feeble little you take over the world instead of him? Besides, it didn't work for Cameran the Usurper or Potema the Wolf Queen. Why do you think it'll work for you?

2. Do not stand in pools of oil. I can't stress this enough.

3. It's been said often, but no one seems to remember that if the person next to you screams, bursts into flame and goes flying through the air it is not "the wind", "too much ale", or "nothing after all."

4. And if you should notice that your old buddy is dead, for Sithis sake don't just stand over the body going "Whaaaa--"

5. Pressure plate traps should be indistinguishable from the surrounding floor. Not decorated with cunning little patterns, or metal plates, or anything. Try tripwires instead. They're nearly invisible.

6. Making a door with a revolving plate lock with rotating symbols with 27 different combinations is a good idea but if the person opening it gets the wrong combination something should happen -- poison darts, flame throwers, a naked dancing wood-elf, or something else really painful. Also, putting the combination to the plate puzzle on the key is a really really stupid idea.

7. If you have spent the last two centuries researching an obscure artifact and have discovered it is hidden in a ruin in the wilderness, you should probably not leave your journal revealing this information laying around on your bedroll. On the other hand, you're probably dead already, so it doesn't matter.

8. Do you really think all adventurers are dumb enough to grab the cheap iron gauntlets off the pressure plate that sets off a dart trap? Well, ok, most of them are, but eventually you're going to run out of minions willing to put the darn thing back.

9.Calling someone in full Daedric plate, wearing a black glowing sword on her hip a "milk-drinker" will not contribute to your leading a long and healthy life.

Almost forgot:

10. Running to battle the foe while the person behind you is planning to throw a fireball -- bad idea.

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Post » Wed Nov 27, 2013 6:22 pm

1. Never assume that though no one saw you do it the guards don't know about it.

2. Just because you're wearing a mask that covers your face and don't talk don't think you will fool anyone as to your identity.

3. Never buy a horse if you can't protect it, it's money down the drain

4. An enemy begging for his life is actually saying "You'd better kill me or I'll rip your heart out."

5. Quests are like flypaper, if you walk close to one it will stick to you.

6. Mai'q is an endless fount of utter gibberish (Sometimes)

7. If I'm in your secret hideout my purpose is to kill, steal and loot. Don't even bother asking me why I showed up.

8. If you are standing guard at a door and see it open and close but you see no one there... guess what. You're dead and just don't know it yet.

9. Just because I ran off with your artifact doesn't mean I'm your champion you bloody fool. You've just been had.

10. Dragon souls are tasty and good with ketchup.

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Post » Wed Nov 27, 2013 8:33 pm

1) Save (not autosave) your game and do it often unless you want 'x' amount of hours of your life to go down the drain. Don't assume that you have enough backup saves or that bug won't happen to you, because you may end up regretting it later on. Backup older saves to an external storage device if necessary.

2) Don't forget knee protection while adventuring at all times or you may end up "taking an arrow in the knee."

3) Don't assume NPCs will run for it during a dragon or vampire attack, because they are dumb and don't know when they are outmatched until it's too late.

4) Don't assume that there is a logical explanation for everything in the game, because it may simply be the result of "poor" writing on the part of a human (a.k.a. game developer). Example: Delphine magically getting through everything in Ustengrav, taking the Horn, and then replacing it with a note.

5) Don't kill chickens when visiting Skyrim, because they are held sacred and will turn an entire town against you in an instant.

6) Be careful where you swing your weapons, shoot arrows, and cast spells when taking friends on adventures. There is a good reason why Maiq says he has heard it is dangerous to be your friend.

7) Sweet rolls are the most commonly targeted item for thieves in Skyrim ("Let me guess, someone stole your sweetroll" --Guard).

8) Remember that Skyrim = real life. :D Example: Engaging in a debate about the "Civil War" in Skyrim can become just as (or more) heated as a debate about real-life politics.

9) Don't assume that you are still a werewolf just because guards still comment that you have "fur coming out of your ears". (

10) It may take multiple arrows in the head, chest, and other vitals to kill some NPCs in Skyrim, but it may only take one arrow in the backside, leg, or arm to kill others.

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Post » Wed Nov 27, 2013 12:16 pm

1. In order to be a successful thief, you must sell your soul to a Daedric Prince and become her slave for all eternity.

2. Everyone is racist.

3. Imperials have some of the healthiest bones in all of Tamriel.

4. The First Son of Akatosh highly overestimates himself.

5. Those weren't 7000 steps.

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