Personally I can't stand companions, I like to do my own thing and do it on my own...
Personally I can't stand companions, I like to do my own thing and do it on my own...
AI of companions in both new games is non existent. Even when told to be passive they happily run into combat they can't win. NV at least has mod - companion tweaker, that can make your companions truly passive or even run away when wounded. Still, F2 has the best companion management.
What the original fallouts lacked in modern day graphics capability, they more than made up for with the complexity of game play, including companions. Today's games are so much more simplistic in comparison. I miss the days when decision had consequences. I wonder if we will ever see a modern game with true multiple paths to victory based on varied character development...
Well, companions in Fallout 1 weren't as useful as in F2. They svcked as mules - you had to BUY back everything you gave them, even weapons.
My level 30 character travels with three mod companions. They get to do most of the shooting, and my character just makes screenshots most of the time, unless she’s shooting Mini Nukes. I’ve never tried any of the in-game companions, so I can’t comment on them. My mod companions do a pretty good job of killing stuff. They’ve developed their own pecking order and follow along behind spread out for maybe 30 yards. They generally hold their positions until my character is surprised, or opens fire, or moves close enough to trigger their aggression. Then they spread out and do their thing. I don’t have a problem with their AI and I think they do a good job and are fun to watch in action - plus listen to their comments. I played with their AI setup years ago and whatever I did works for me.
The only problem I’ve ever had is when a car explodes by one of them and when they wake up they blame one of the others for it and then they start a fight to the death. When they wake up again, everything is back to normal. Also, if my character jumps down a cliff, two of them will not follow. Instead they find a path to their liking and eventually catch up, even if they do have to tour around half the map to do it - and kill everything along the way. I wouldn’t play long without them now.
Companions just aren't worth the time and effort. They really don't contribute other than pressing aggro when you don't want or need it. And they just don't offer the support you'd want. While this is debatable per character class and play style. I just don't think they are worth it. I understand once you lose them, that's it. And that's an ok mechanic. But they are too squishy and are controlled by AI put nicely, isn't very intelligent.
They work fine for me. I usually have Fawkes, Clover, Jericho, and RL-3 together as my squad. I give Clover Protectron's Gaze and she uses it well.
This is an incomplete poll. If you select "I can't stand companions" in the first part, it would stand to reason that you should be able to pick "None of the Above" in the second.
A modded Clover. She's hot, good with a rifle and just about as psychotic as my character.
Charon is good also. Give him one of the unique shotguns and he's a killer.