The United States was founded with a Revolution against a corrupt ruler. In the case of John Henry Eden, genocide is certainly grounds for formal impeachment but in the case of JHE being capable of destryong Raven Rock I see no reason why he shouldn't be formally disposed of. Colonel Autumn clearly seems to have the loyalty of his men and I see no reason why he wouldn't be able to restore formal democracy in time. I'm inclined to think, at the very least, that the Apocalypse also qualifies as a State of Emergency for the Union.
So basically anything is justified because there's been a war 200 years ago? Autumn was the loyalty men sure but is that any grounds for disposing of the President and putting himself in charge?
As for dike being a monster, there's an obvious difference between individuals indoctrinated through a specific culture and going above and beyond the bounds of that culture. Colonel Autumn, Daisy Whitman, and so on are all products of the Old Enclave's culture but there's no sign they're involved in the genocide. One would think that would be mentioned. Sergeant Rock, another pop culture reference I disliked - in part because they don't have any chance to escape with you, is racist but he doesn't seem like he's involved in the genocide plot.
Autumn was a boy. As for Whitman and the Remnants, they Project was a frequent part of, I think Richardson know what the citizens think. Why do you think that they would mention that the Enclave's plan was global genocide, let's imagine how Kreger would have put it:
"Sometimes I miss those days, we all had a purpose you know. Our's was global genocide for the propagation of the human race."
That first part is an exact quote by the way, even Johnson admits that he misses the Enclave sometimes. They knew what they were fighting for, they were perfectly capable with going out on patrol and stomping on people.
Don't even get me started on [censored] Sergeant Granite, "Hey hear those alarms? The rig is going to blow, everyone dead, oh and your retired mother is rolling on the floor of her apartment clutching her throat as the FEV virus kills her. Want to kill Horrigan?"
"Yeah, I ain't going to drown like no rat."
:banghead: It's a joke, I think that I treat the character with a much more plausable explaination and dignity if I may say so,
Amusingly, you can even talk the Nazi-esque Doctor out of his involvement unlike dike. Admittedly, I DISLIKED that because the Doctor immediately murders the entire Enclave's civilian population as a result. Which, to me, just goes to show the Enclave has some seriously twisted nutcases in their service. My Chosen One just wanted to get his people free and stop the FEV virus - not wipe out the Enclave.
Something else I didn't like, you don't even say anything smart;
"Haven't you ever considered that evolution is natural?"
"Dead God I
never thought of that, the only solution is to kill all of the citizens on here, vaccinated your people and stay here to die."
You've mentioned this before. Someone tried to use the Purifer and died, that's not something you would normally expect when attempting to use a glorified Brita. The (in all probability) second time, Colonel Autumn is being told this by the Lone Wanderer. Yes, it carries a risk but it's no different than any other soldier being sent into battle while a leader gives orders.
And you never answered, Autumn was there when two people in power armour next to him died from the radiation. The soldier on the other side says, "Another soldier". It carries the risk of certain death, here's an idea, send a machine in to do it you impatient bastard; the Boomers can disasemble and bring back a B-29 with machine's, I think that the Enclave might have better methods of punching three numbers and enter then sending in men.
Given John Henry Eden poses a direct threat to the majority of the human race, it would be needlessly risky for Colonel Autumn to handle it himself. The fact that he already survived taking control of the Purifier mano-a-mano shows he's not a coward either.
He injects himself with a needle after shooting an unarmed civilian and setting up a pointless character motivation for the Lone Wanderer, hardly a hero.
It requires atomics to penetrate Liberty Prime's exo-skeleton. Even then, he was only damaged by the attack and rendered nonfunctional. Given the fact that the Mobile Carrier ALSO requires atomics to penetrate, I'm inclined to think the Vertibirds missiles would have just painted Liberty Prime's exoskeleton.
Those arn't nuclear weapons on the satilite,!Fo3_Liberty_Prime.png, he has exposed cables and thighs which consist of girder; the Vertibirds come in from behind and have mini nukes and missiles, don't just slow down and hover in-front of the machines face.
Given what we saw fleeing from Raven Rock, it's quite possible (even obvious) Colonel Autumn is supervising the evacuation. The question of how much of the civilian populace versus the military populace is evacuated is an interesting one but it's not like the evacuation began BEFORE the self-destruct mechanism was activated. Even then, I have to admit I was thinking this.
There is no evacuation, Autumn leaves the codes in his room; again, speech Autumn in the final battle, he goes on about how the "Chain-of-Command must be obeyed" and how he just can't believe that Eden would actually betray him. He started his coup over nothing and then left before it was over, leaving his men to Eden's sentry bots.
"We've been jammed! Strawberry!"