Any trick to condition an Impact set ?

Post » Wed Dec 04, 2013 7:04 am

This mod: http://http//skyrim.nexusm...m/mods/10445//?
changes the dust puffs to sparks for weapon and arrow hits. It is very good and I would like the sparks better than puffs OCCASIONALLY.
I just do not find the constant sparks believable enough to be immersive. I would like to only see them for power attacks or even a random dice throw condition.
I spent an hour looking into this and it may not be possible to "condition" the effect.
It is all or nothing unfortunately.
But There a a lot of amazing moders in TES modding so I hoped there may be one person here that could think of something I did not.
Naturally a SKSE solution would be great if one exists.
I thought maybe I could have two impact sets with different settings for the same material.
But I could not find a way to have two sets in one for the same material.
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Erin S
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Post » Wed Dec 04, 2013 6:19 pm

As far as I know you're right on all counts, which means if you want to do this you might have to resort to Papyrus hackery.

What about this:

When an arrow is fired... player randomly fires a hitscan projectile with identical velocity/gravity that places an invisible flat object aligned to surface normal using ImpactData. This object would be made of a little-used Material like Glass, which you'd then set in the ImpactDataSet to make sparks. Bingo, random sparking effect on any surface. Using hitscan should mean it will always arrive before the actual projectile...

Doing this for melee weapons would be trickier, but if you tied the above hitscan spell to the WeaponSwing animation event or something... might work "well enough"...

That's my first thought, anyway.

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Kayla Bee
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Post » Wed Dec 04, 2013 7:17 pm

Not sure if this will work for your situation, but If your weapon/projectile is using a magic effect to generate the Impact Set, the upcoming SKSE update will allow you to change the Impact Set data on Magic Effects via script.

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