Lost to the Ages Bug

Post » Thu Dec 05, 2013 3:23 pm

I've been stuck on this quest for ages now. Have a bunch of saves to hope around to but I still cant get past. Katria is supposed to appear at the forge and tell me to place the 4x pieces together and then the shrine raises up but I cant get it to work as she is in the dwarven storeroom (mgulf or something like that.) She is waiting for me to pick up the shard but I already did this even before the quest ever started. Like literally a few weeks ago....

Anywhos any help on how to get by this? Been messing with the console to no avail


No snags, ta for having me. I fixed the issue and finished the Q, follow TheHOlyArk and hype83 on the following link for anyone else with the same issue as me. Quest reward and log cleared


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Louise Andrew
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Post » Thu Dec 05, 2013 2:28 pm

Unfortunately this quest is really bugged. I went thru the whole quest and then at the end when you're supposed to place the shards, nothing happens. But for me I couldn't even get the quest to activate. No previous saves too. If you don't have an earlier save you can revert back to, I'm afraid you may be SOL. By the way, welcome to the boards.
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Jesus Duran
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Post » Thu Dec 05, 2013 4:47 pm

The issue with the quest not activating after reading the Aetherium Wars is caused by entering one or more of the cells in Eastmarch near Mzulft. This blocks out the quest for unknown reasons. To avoid this particular bug in the future, don't ever go anywhere near that area until after you have read a copy of the Aetherium Wars and activated the miscellaneous journal entry to "Investigate the ruins of Arkngthamz."

Also, picking up any of the shards before you are instructed to do so during the quest has been known to cause various parts of the quest "Lost to the Ages" to bug out.

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SaVino GοΜ
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Post » Thu Dec 05, 2013 8:53 am

PC, XBox, or PS3 player?

PS: Welcome to the boards :)

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Darren Chandler
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