While I generally hold tightly to a lawfully good style of play, an exception I make is stealing something to provoke the owner to send thugs after me. I'll usually only try this with such folk as the Thieves' Guild, not with genuinely decent NPCs.
My question is: how do I actually get this all to happen? Does the stolen item need to be of a relatively high value? My last time in the Flagon, I nicked a bottle of mead on my way out, hoping to wake up to a fight in a few days, but nada so far. I was in sneak mode and no one saw me five-finger the mead, though I understand that neither of those are supposed to matter.
Do I need to be more patient, need to grab something pricier, or just give it another go in the event that there is no guarantee thugs will be sent after me, and it's a crap shoot every time...?