Thieves...pfft. Why would the Emperor concern himself with lowlifes and street hustlers? As far as Maven Black-Briar is concerned she is a loyal and valued representative of the Empire in the province and we are well pleased with her.
Thieves...pfft. Why would the Emperor concern himself with lowlifes and street hustlers? As far as Maven Black-Briar is concerned she is a loyal and valued representative of the Empire in the province and we are well pleased with her.
Fhynrood Aryon, proud member of Great House Redoran.
Where does steam put the screenshots? I took several (F12, steam overlay) but none in myDocuments nor in MyGames/Skyrim.
Pretty confusing, esp. because I've not touched the standard document root settings
Find the Steam icon in the tray, then right click on it and select "Screeshots". In the window that opens, find the button "show screenshots folder" or something like that., Argonian, Destruction mage. No mods.
My current character, SanCroval, is an Imperial mage with a taste for wandering and adventure. My recent characters have been centered around a particular faction, but he's just about exploration. It's the most fun I've had in a while, which is nice because I usually enjoy melee warriors more than mages.
Loke the Mad
Necromancy, archery and 1h dual wield
Alchemy and smithing
A beautiful badass with the hair over one eye thing going on? My badass battleaxe wielding warrior is ready with a Mara amulet when she is
I use F12 as well. There is no screenshot folder. At least not named that way by default.
I'm at work right now but can let you know the file mine seems to save in when I get home. Took me a while to find it at first.
For Steam screen shots:
Look under the Library section of your Steam page. Scroll down you should find a "View Screenshot Library" button. Click it and select the screen shot you want to upload. View it on-line and click the Share button. Copy the link and you should be good to go.
Hope that helps.
Heavy Armor, Two-Handed, Smithing, some Archery and Blocking tossed in.
I haven't thought up much of a back story for this guy yet. The how and why he's in Skyrim still needs to be ironed out.
So far he has wandered the province in search of all the known Orc tribes, lending aid, punching out chiefs, and thinking about what they might accomplish should they unite under one banner. He proudly wields Volendrung as Malacath's Champion, although the return of the dragons seem to have awakened something ancient and powerful within him. He's troubled by thoughts that betray the teachings of his people, while his growing tribe presumably prospers from their devotion to a daedric prince. Something far grander whispers of the perils to come. Whatever they might be, he will continue to go where the challenge is greatest.
Through mods he has become chieftain of his own stronghold with a mine and gained many followers. It's been fun setting it all up, I just wish there were more Orc quests to do.
New picture of my current character
Right clicking Steam tray brought it up, thanks.
It was in an 292992359235 folder in the steam root, where its clearly stated in the steam config: screenshots go in MyDocuments...
Agree with a previous poster. He's definitely one of the best ones I've seen as well
Pity he's corrupted. Hopefully you can remake him again.
Same. When I start a new character I have no story in mind. I'd never stick to it, anyway. I never did in Oblivion, FO3 or FNV.
My current main character is Level 48 Conjurer., and Thane of two holds so far.
Her only 'rules,' I suppose, are that she never has human (living) followers, undead and summoned minions don't need micro-managing. If they die we summon a replacement. Though she normally only needs suitcases thralls to carry her stuff. Not for the company.
She's currently experimenting with items that force bodies stay in her cellar for as long as possible. Unfortunately we only have two so far.
I still haven't retired my funny Dragonborn character, Fish-Breath.
Short backstory:
He's a fat middle-aged fisherman, ex-warrior. After he found out that he is a Dragonborn he had to become a warrior again.
He is a kind person who helps everyone. He is lazy, and a bit of a glutton, but he still tries his best to always do what is necessary and the right thing to do.
Name: Fish-Breath
Race: Argonian
Class: Fisherman, Warrior
Age: Middle-age
Main Attribute: Health (Stamina hasn't been increased much)
Skills: Two-Handed (Swords), Heavy Armor, Smithing (He has to make his own armor), Block, Archery, Speechcraft
Custom Settings: Movement speed -30% (he's fat), Carrying capacity -100 (he's lazy)
Deity: Kynareth. She brings the rain. An Argonian likes to get wet.
Married to: Shahvee
Residence: Honeyside, Riften
I haven't been playing for ages (except some testings for mod I'm working with) but the last character I really played is here:, he is a proud and selfish man. Even he works for the Empire his own profit and pleasure is always his first priority. Gnaeus is by all odds a "Dirty Officer" - nothing more than corrupted war-criminal.
"When man is in harsh foreign land like this he needs to find his wealth and pleasure from where he could. Don't let conscience or these people to stop you, everyone could be a supporter of the rebellion and that gives you right to treat them like if they were. What is good for you is good for the Empire."
don't you dare retire him LOL
Hows his wife and the kids?