No it don't, I'm an pc player and agree with her. On the other hand the casuals don't come here and complain, they do it other places, main exception was the dwemer puzzle box in Morrowind.
Probably the thing who caused the quest arrows, they should put it in a boss chest not on a low shelf in a dark room.
On the gripping hand, my first TES game was Daggerfall who I played a lot also played plenty of CRPG before that. Yes I remember the forum previous to Morrowind release.
It was lots of the same complains about cutting features, most who was non functional or shells.
People complained a lot that money in Morrowind did not have weight, yes its unrealistic, however the money system in Daggerfall was more unrealistic, in short one septim weighted 0.1 unit or the same as the lightest item, elven gear or better had an price/ weight factor far over 10, luckily you had an drop gold button to drop your gold to carry more expensive stuff. In real world money don't weigh much, neither do gold in realistic quantities.
More fun many claimed that the removal of pants from Oblivion to Skyrim was because of casuals, guess people get dumb-folded by the concept of pants or skirts. Pretty common is all sort of super causual rpg on cell phones or flash. WOW as twice as many equipment slots as Skyrim and is pretty causal.
Real reason was that fewer equipment slots let them shoehorn in a couple more soldiers during the civil war battles without running out of memory on consoles. As a bonus for the designers it made it easier to make armor as they don't had to fit the armor at hip.
Removal of spell making, everybody complained that Oblivion spell effects was boring and ugly. They managed to make good looking spells, however I doubt few causal players finished the main quest as mages as least not if they did some of the guild quest first as they would run into the max spell damage wall with low health and armor.
Yes its possible to play as an mage but not as an clueless destruction mage.