I manage to play the base Skyrim game through, with a few broken quests issues that could not be resolved. It was annoying enough not being able to do questlines that I really wanted to do because of shoddy programming. Still, I managed to finish the game and see most of the content.
Now, just having purchased all the DLC I have encountered several more quest break and one incredible bug that is complete gamebreaking. Now I don't use mods of any sort, despite the horrible menu and inventory interface that was designed by morons, I chose not to us emods becaus eI have ready many have unexpected effects on the game.
So anyway, I installed Skyrim fresh and continued on my character. Went through Dragonborn fine, got started on Dawnguard and was almost done with my first house in Hearthfire. Somewhere alng the lines 2 things broke:
Soul Trap no longer traps souls, I no longer absorb the soul after killing a dragon. Also, I lost a shout I know I had...I lost the third rank of Ice Form and I have already done the quest but it took me awhile to realize that. I went back to wher eI got it but the wall is still inactive.
So the first thing I did wa stry anothe rcharacter I havet use in awhile, same thing. Deleted game, reinstalled game, loaded game...same thing.
I sick of putting up with stuff from this company. It's such a [censored] let down to think "Yay! New content!" that you don't even get to play becaus eof gamebreaking bugs. Bethesda won't get anymore of my money.