Economy of the Holds in Skyrim

Post » Fri Dec 06, 2013 7:41 am

I'm curious to see how you guys would rank each hold in terms of the economy and the reasoning!

I wrote a short paper on the subject a while ago.

TL: DR - My ranks, best to worst:


The Rift

Whiterun (somewhat volatile)



The Reach (volatile)

The Pale




Transportation – Has a large tax base with good roads leading from Dragon Bridge to Solitude and the north coast. A secondary road through the high altitudes connects to High Rock although traffic is limited due to frequent cold and storms. Expressway leads into south-western Hjaalmarch, where highways branch off on an interchange towards the rest of Skyrim, allowing access to the other holds. The mild climate despite its higher latitude keeps the bay ice free for most of the year. It’s port serves to connect Hammerfell and High rock reliably, and Vvardenfell during the summer months. Most of the old money is from Solitude, and much investment from the Imperials has been put into the hold.

Agriculture – Some does take place on the shores of the bay, and in the inland sheltered plateaus in the southwest areas.

Ranching – No large scale activity except for household farms

Forestry – Somewhat important, as the south-western inland areas of the hold have denser higher quality trees. Somewhat hampered by the presence of steppe trees which are too knotted to be manufactured reliably.

Mining – Little takes place, the region is geologically not metal rich. These need to be imported, mostly from the Reach.

Fisheries – Fishing is the main strength of the hold, with favourable freshwater and saltwater species in the bay and on the coast. The harbour is close to town where it can be consumed of distributed to other holds. The coasts are clogged by drifting pack ice only during a couple months during the dead of winter

Textiles – Acquired mostly by trade from other holds, livestock is not abundant.

Technology – Education is available in Solitude. However, access to Dwemer tech is not possible given that ruins are not located anywhere in the hold.

Overall – A rich hold, with a mixed economy, mild climate and good distribution routes for exports and imports. The people are mostly pretty well off.


Transportation – A fairly large tax base with good roads connecting the satellite towns to Riften, as well as main routes to Cheydinhal and Vvardenfell. A mountain pass also connects Helgen to the outskirts of Ivarstead, although it is treacherous and travel is limited. Shipping is impossible because the lake is much higher than the main river outside of Windhelm.

Agriculture – Very important to the hold. Almost the entire region is comprised of arable land, and the climate average is the warmest in Skyrim because of its Southerly location and protection from cold northwest winds despite its higher altitude. This allows for around of a third of the year being frost free. Mills and processing plants dot the landscape.

Ranching – Not a major activity but the majority of the region could be used for it without much effort. The area is somewhat rich in game.

Forestry – The entire region is forested, and hardwood from aspen trees is available as well as larger pines. Riften serves as a distribution hub.

Mining – The Rift is not a geologically active region and ores have been extracted long ago.

Fisheries – The lakes and rivers provide a reliable amount of seafood products

Textiles – Available due to higher animal populations, utilized by the hold.

Technology – Proximity to Vvardenfell as well as Dwemer ruins allow for advanced systems, although not widely used at this point.

Overall – A rich hold with an excellent climate and highly varied economy. Good access to Eastern Cyrodill and Vvardenfell. Wealth is unequal due to Maven and the Thieves guild.


Transportation – Centrally located in Skryim, making it a pit stop at worst for most land trips, with the notable exception of Markarth / Falkreath to Riften. Shipping is impossible because of the elevation difference between Windhelm and Whiterun. Whiterun has long established trading with Bruma and the Imperial City, and it acts as a middleman of sorts when distributing goods to the northern holds and Windhelm. As a result an expressway runs from the border through Helgen and Riverwood into Whiterun.

Agriculture – The main strength of the hold, as almost all of the land is arable. However, yields are fairly volatile because of rapidly changing weather as a result of vast open spaces and exposure to north-west winds. The economy rises and falls noticeably due to how productive the fields are for the year. Mills and Breweries dot the landscape providing grain products.

Ranching – Dominant in the western sections of the hold by Rorikstead because rainfall is scarce for Agriculture. Fairly important.

Forestry – Not a major export, but the lands beside the river by Riverwood have enough good quality wood to make extraction profitable

Mining – Whiterun is not geologically active, with metals being very scarce. Mostly imported from either Windhelm of The Reach.

Fisheries – Not a major activity but some takes place along the White river.

Textiles – Mostly acquired in the west and distributed into Whiterun before being exported to other holds or used up.

Technology – Lack of Dwemer ruins or University education allows for more simple systems to be used

Overall – A moderately-rich hold with a few strong activities and good transportation. Wealth is fairly equally distributed.


Transportation – Shipping is available during the summer and fall months to Vvardenfell and Solitude. Cold temperatures block the bay with multi-year pack ice for slightly over half the year. The hold is mostly rural but Windhelm has a large tax base. The road system is well connected to Riften, Whiterun and Dawnstar but often needs to be repaired due to violent freeze thaw cycles in the spring and fall. A secondary road reaches into Vvardenfell along the eastern shore of the river, but traffic is limited due to harsh cold and frequent storms.

Agriculture – Not a strong point of the hold. The colder climate, unpredictable frosts and sulphur pits in the south prove a hostile challenge to crops.

Ranching – Animal populations in the southwest have dwindled due to overhunting in the past. Little activity.

Forestry – Important for the hold, much of the timber comes from the rugged west end. There’s enough production to export reasonable quantities.

Mining – The pools in the south hold many transition metals - mainly nitrogen and sulphur to export to agriculture heavy holds, and the eastern mountains contain most metals. Windhelm is not as dependent on mining as the Reach, but wealth is susceptible to rises and falls with commodity prices.

Fisheries – The rivers hold reasonable stocks of fish, and activity is widespread. Fortunately waters from the Rift are of high quality and stick far west enough to avoid being turned foul by the pools.

Textiles – Mostly imported from the Reach, the hold does not have access to sufficient amounts of game.

Technology – Dwemer ruins and close proximity to Vvardenfell allow for some systems to be used

Overall – A moderately rich hold that has a fairly mixed economy and is close by to richer holds. Windhelm is richer than it looks, due to much of the old money being generated there in older empires.


Transportation – A boon for the hold is its geographic position. Being a southern area, and having an expressway pass through Helgen, it serves to connect Skyrim to Cyrodill. Although Helgen was damaged through a dragon attack, Imperial investment will likely rebuild the town quickly. A highway to the Rift and the Reach passes east-west through the hold too, allowing Helgen to serve as a pit stop between the western cities and Riften.

Agriculture – The north-west is suited, but more of the hold could be used if the forests were cleared. Falkreath has a fairly warm climate, rivalling the Rift’s.

Ranching – Not much activity, but game is sustainably hunted instead. Easily possible with clearing some forests.

Forestry – Much of the hold is shrouded in large pine and redwood forests, proving quite valuable. Exports are cheap.

Mining – No activity due to the region being geologically stale.

Fisheries – The lake is a major source of fish, most exports are brought to Whiterun.

Textiles – Abundant game allows Falkreath to become a powerhouse with furs, leather and hides. Some exports are sought as far a Leyawiin for the more exotic commodities.

Technology – Lack of Dwemer ruins leaves a more simple life. However, Education opportunities in close by Bruma often allow residents to obtain more prestigious jobs in resource management and business.

Overall – Falkreath is an interesting hold because it contains many resources, but has a low population and is quite underdeveloped.


Transportation – Somewhat limited by Forsworn attacks and hostile topography throughout the region. Two highways lead out of Markarth to intersections on the west-side of Whiterun hold, but don’t connect directly to towns. This makes Markarth and out of the way city that can be somewhat hard to get to. A mountain pass connects the city to eastern Hammerfell although it is rugged an treacherous. The roadways are in deteriorating condition because of environmental damage from avalanches, overgrowth of juniper and scrub tree roots and traps set by rebel groups. The Silver Bloods contract road repairs out every so often, but is done mostly to improve their political image. Imperial funds are often misdirected or when work is actually done, attacks on workers hampers the process. Shipping is impossible due to elevation differences.

Agriculture – Virtually non-existent. The climate is reasonable but the terrain and soil structure is abysmal. Grain needs to be imported

Ranching – A small operation exists outside of the city, but many resources are used in just trying to protect the animals. The terrain proves other areas to be unfeasible.

Forestry – A small amount of logging activity in the northern areas sustains the hold enough. The dry climate of the south combined with gnarled low quality steppe trees in hard to reach places prevents activity.

Mining – By far the most important activity in the hold. The economy is almost solely dependent on it, and the well-being of the hold fluctuates highly depending on mining production. Exports are sometimes intercepted by rebel groups, primarily the Forsworn.

Fisheries – The river provides challenges due to high salinity, tough navigation and rebel attacks. Not much activity results.

Textiles – Needs to be imported.

Technology – Markarth uses advanced systems due to its location by Dwemer ruins

Overall – A moderately-poor hold that has all its eggs in one basket for mining. The silver bloods hold much of the existing wealth in the city and prisoners comprise of a high population in Markarth. Wealth is concentrated amongst a few and many are poor.


Transportation – The main roadway connects Dawnstar to Solitude, Whiterun and Windhelm. Traffic is limited, because of cold artic storms, and snow clearing proves difficult. The junction to the south of Dawnstar allows for east west travel amongst the northern towns, but it is out of the way and adds travel time. Shipping along the Sea of Ghosts is possible for around two thirds of the year from Dawnstar, with that timeframe increasing the farther west one goes. Pack ice often drifts about, so shipwrecks dot the coast from travellers who aren’t careful.

Agriculture – Being a northern hold, the Pale experiences a subarctic climate. The southern fringes have a few farms close to Whiterun, but production is unreliable and frost free days are typically limited to over a couple of months there.

Ranching – Absent, save for a few areas by the lake.

Forestry – Somewhat limited by the slow growth rate of the pines, but there is enough available to allow the hold to sustain itself

Mining – Geologically inactive.

Fisheries – The coast west of Dawnstar is rife with saltwater fish. The lake in the southeast holds many species of freshwater fish, and is easily sold to nearby Windhelm.

Textiles – Mostly imported due to lack of game.

Technology – Dwemer ruins allow for systems to be built. Higher education is unavailable however.

Overall – A moderately poor hold held together by its high quality fisheries and semi-reliable agriculture. Most people have a generally similar quality of life. The Jarl of Dawnstar isn’t as progressive as many in the southern holds.


Transportation – A highway links Whiterun to Solitude, connecting the isolated village of Morthal. The superhighway runs along the river at the holds western edge connecting Solitude to the other cities. An interchange across from the town of Dragon Bridge controls traffic. A small regional road connects to Dawnstar and Windhelm, although it is falling into a state of disrepair due to lack of provincial funding and infrequent fixes.

Agriculture – The south-western highlands allow for somewhat reliable crops. The region is not as protected as Haafingar, but manages to stay reliably frost free for around three months due to maritime influence.

Ranching – Some alongside the agriculture areas, though not too much.

Forestry – High quality pine forests make up part of the southwest area. Some decent pines are found alongside the highway also. Exports typically are sent to the Reach.

Mining – Existing deposits of metals are exhausted, leaving empty mines and a reliance of imports from the Reach.

Fisheries – A small amount of aquaculture takes place on the south end of the bay, in the north-western section of the hold. Usually the stocks go to Morthal.

Textiles – Imported from Falkreath and Whiterun.

Technology – Lack of Dwemer ruins and education leaves a primitive life for Hjaalmarch.

Overall – A poor hold with the burden of a large stinking salt marsh covering two thirds of it. The resource base in the southwest is not large enough to generate a sizeable profit, as also is the low tax base. The Jarl is not very motivated to work towards improving the region around the town. If Morthal was located by the interchange, the hold could significantly benefit, as all traffic would pass through it to get into Haafingar.


Transportation – A single regional road leads from Winterhold to a junction by the lake in the Pale. For over half the year, travel is difficult due to snow buildup, high elevations, blisteringly cold winds, fog and storms and four hours of daylight in the winter. Shipping is only possible during the summer and fall when ice breaks up enough to allow craft to pass through.

Agriculture – Completely ruled out. In this arctic climate, growing periods are a month at best. This is shorter than the maturation period of virtually all crops, despite almost twenty four hour days in summer.

Ranching – Simply not feasible, it takes more energy than is outputted with any livestock.

Forestry – Most of the hold is above the tree line, and the remaining wood is too small or brittle to use. Mostly imported from Windhelm.

Mining – Not geologically active. A mine sits along the highway but has been gutted out completely.

Fisheries – Limited fishing along the coast in the summer and fall, barely enough to sustain the population.

Textiles – Imported, because there aren’t any.

Technology – Dwemer ruins nearby combined with the Mage’s College provide educational opportunities.

Overall – A very poor hold that is generally unable to sustain itself. It imports most of its goods, and raises the funds to do so with tuition at the Mage’s college. The College is important, however and many flock to it to better themselves for some length of time. Winterhold used to be a city but much was destroyed in a controversial event. This hints that the hold must have had more abundant resources in the past, or a warmer climate.


The game takes place in the equivalent of later September / Early October when it comes to scenery (despite the in game date). The yellow poplar trees in the rift and the general patterns of snow covered vs non snow covered terrain hinted at this.

The wealth refers to overall wealth of the hold. Obviously some holds like the Reach have unequal distributions of it, while others like Haafingar and Whiterun are overall well off.

Thanks =)

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Louise Dennis
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Post » Fri Dec 06, 2013 6:39 am

Ysmir's beard!
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Penny Courture
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Post » Fri Dec 06, 2013 5:45 am

Keerava mentions that fishing and honey were the mainstays of Riften's economy prior to Maven and her Black-Briar Mead taking center stage.

Seems odd that no emphasis was placed on trade. Solitude, Whiterun, Windhelm, and Riften all appear to be major trade hubs.

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Post » Fri Dec 06, 2013 9:17 am

I honestly don't even know how Winterhold and Hjaalmarch stay alive economically.

Falkreath and Dawnstar have significantly declined if you look at previous lore. Dawnstar was once described as 'one of the largest ports in Tamriel' and had a wall but now the East Empire Company doesn't even ship there, while everyone knows about Falkreath and what it once was in lore.

Map for reference when discussing the East Empire Company: They still ship to the Aldmeri Dominion provinces, Windhelm, Hammerfell , and a Redoran controlled Morrowind including what appears to be Vivec on the Island of Vvardenfell which along with Balmora was said to be rebuilding.

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Katey Meyer
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Post » Fri Dec 06, 2013 10:21 am

Hjaalmarch probably ekes out an existence dealing in reagents from the marshes. Winterhold however, I'd say is functionally dead, economically. It's sole "saving grace" is that the population is so low now that those few who do stay in Winterhold can sustain themselves on whatever treasury was left from when Winterhold was more populated. The "town" has admitted it's because of the College that anyone can even stay there as it is. The Inn and General Store cater to whomever is passing through to visit the College, and the Jarl his refusal to quit his hold.

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