So anyone mind explaining why the Argonians are in the Pact....
So anyone mind explaining why the Argonians are in the Pact....
I just hope that they add classes, and have Treasure hunter becomes a class. Maybe more stealth, less magic. Opposite Nightblade.
Only reason I'd buy an Elder Scrolls MMORPG in the first place is to play a racist Redguard, Altmer or Dunmer and kill LARPing Nord 'Skyrem Dragon Slayers' baking sweet rolls and keep Argonian/Khajiit/Orsimer players as slaves, and even then I would have to wonder about paying $15 a month
Daggerfall was just a transcription error/Warp in the West Dragon Break made them more interesting.
I'm not saying that Bretons are uninteresting in an of themselves, though they do feel more generic than other races to me. The lack of political unity and things like that make them very interesting to me. It just doesn't seem like Bethesda's done anything with them. I can't think of any information related to High Rock outside of Ulfric petitioning them for aid in Skyrim. I remember facts about the rest of Tamriel following the Oblivion Crisis, but don't recall anything of substance being mentioned with High Rock. Bethesda did stuff regarding them nearly two decades ago and don't seem to have wanted to do anything with them since.
Also, Daggerfall doesn't really strike me as a great demonstration of the Breton homeland due to the random generated nature of it. I really want the Bretons to get some attention sometime in the future. It's not like Bretons can't be interesting because of the way they were portrayed in the past and in lore. Bethesda just needs to actually try, rather than seemingly forget about them.
There is a simple answer. And it all comes down to The Elder Scrolls Online being a game made by a different company with little to no involvement with the studio have made The Elder Scrolls series. They are more interesed in producing a game which looks like elements of other popular games, from Dragon Age, to Assassin's Creed, to World of Warcraft than creating a product which fits in with the Lore of the series.
That is their goal.