I can't find it anywhere. That's the module I'm talking about:
Daedra Summoning
Aimed for the hardcoe player. The offerings you give to the Daedric Princes have been changed. The worshippers now demand only gold to call their masters. LARGE amounts of gold.
Summoning a Daedric Prince requires you to be wealthy. Worshippers now demand an average of 50 000 gold.
Alternatively, if you are high ranked in the Mages Guild, you can ask a Daedric Summoner for his services. The higher ranked you are in the guild, the less gold it will cost to call forth the Daedric Prince. The downside is that they can summon the Prince only on the Prince’s specific summoning day.
No level requirements to perform the quests.
Give the Princes the right offering or they will unleash their wrath on you.