Hey guys, after having a break off of skyrim, i'm finally in the mood to play it again, however what's holding me back is i don't know which sort of playstyle i should go for.
I've played as the Stealth type (Archery/Daggers) as well as Mage (Conjurer/Destruction) type, i've not done some heavy gameplay as a "sword and board" warrior or 2 handed warrior, only getting up to around level 10 in each, and i'm just looking for some ideas on playstyles to use, i'll have access to all 3 DLC's, so there's not really anything i won't be able to do.
I'd really like to play Skyrim again as i know when i last played it i barely reached the top of the barrel of what skyrim had to offer me, and with me now having access to dragonborn (And never finishing dawnguard) there's a lot of content i have to see.
Any ideas/thoughts?