How should I go about making a Breton archerassassin?

Post » Sun Dec 08, 2013 9:07 am

For a while now I've been wanting to make the from the ESO trailer in Skyrim. I know pretty much the basics of what he should be; archery, one handed, light armor, sneak, and magic (which type, Idk).

If you've seen the trailer, you can see that he has hidden knives in his guanlets, so does this mean I should dual wield with a sword and a dagger? And where do I find clothes/armor like, besides Nightingale? I was thinking something along the Elvish armor but I don't know any black robes I can put on for him.

Also, thank you all for helping me solve the issues with my Xbox! :D

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Post » Sun Dec 08, 2013 11:08 am

I ran into a Thalmor just a second ago, and realized that I could use their robes for the Breton. Use Elven gaunlets, Thalmor shoes, Dark Brotherhood hood, and Thalmor robes (or Elven armor, I'll have to see when I get to it). Only thing left is deciding whether have him fight with a sword in one hand and magic in the other, or dual wield a sword and a dagger. What do you guys think??

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Claire Jackson
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Post » Sun Dec 08, 2013 12:48 am

If you're going to use archery, sneaking archers are godly. So level up your archer properly.

If you want to kill with daggers, sneak is first choice with the perks.

And of course armor of your choice, it's an easy build.

Just add some Alchemy in the build and you're set.

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