Let me begin with saying that this is not me requesting people to help me with a mod. Neither is it me saying I want someone to make this for me. This thread is here to present an idea, in hopes of getting feedback, generating interest, giving someone else the motivation to do this, giving me the motivation to do this. But most of all, I want to find out if other people think this is a good idea.
In short, my mod idea is this: Expand the lore of the Dragon Cult, make them more interesting, make them joinable.
This idea came to me after playing and reading about a Morrowind mod called "Great House Dagoth". This enables you to join Dagoth Ur and fight alongside the badguys! (NOTE: Dagoth Ur is not a real badguy, he only has differing views!!)
So how does this become a Skyrim mod? Well, basically what I want to do is to make the Dragon Cult of Skyrim as similar as possible to the Sixth House of Morrowind. And no, that does not mean copying it. I mean it on a "spiritual" level. I want to capture the mystery, danger, lore and depth of the Sixth House and make a Skyrim/Dragons version of that.
List of possible features:
- Join the Dragon Cult (aka join Alduin)
- Expand heavily upon the lore surrounding the Dragon Cult and the Dragons (might not be 100% lore friendly, but it make turn out better this way)
- Allow "transformation" and ascension in the Dragon Cult ranks. (example: become a Dragon Priest). Each "level" would have its benefits and cons.
- Make Alduin into a better villain (one who does not believe he is evil).
- Perhaps Alduin and some of the other top ranking dragons can have a Dragon Aspect form and a "normal form" allowing them to take the shape of an ordinary mortal (okay well, with some superhuman special abilities to make him seem godlike. Like Dagoth Ur and the Tribunal).
- One of the final stages in the questline could be becoming a "true Dragonborn" (as seen by Alduin and his kin). This could be a Dragon freely (or because Alduin says so) joining his spirit with your body. A dragon doing so without dying would grant you powers far beyond what you gain by killing and stealing souls. This level/form could be granted only to a select few, the Dragon Cult equivalent of Ash Vampires.
- Place secret Dragon Cult bases around the world. Secret agents could live in the cities. Perhaps there can be a variant of Dreamers too.. possibly people dreaming about flames/dragonfire. Perhaps the dragons manage to influence some people. This can be tied to local Dragon Priests. Killing those priests free the "Dragon Dreamers".
- Generally just make the Dragon Cult scarier, more influential, but still not evil because they think they do the right thing.
- Finally meeting Alduin in his "superhuman form" should feel like meeting a living god. Alduin in the vanilla game just felt... generic.
- He is perceived by many a World-eater. Perhaps there are several differing views? What does Alduin himself think of his plots?
- The Blades should be working against the Cult more. (undercover of course)
- Sometime during the early MQ you can "betray" the "good side" and seek out the Dragon Cult.
- If you choose the Dragon-path, perhaps another Dragonborn will emerge, or perhaps the Greybeards will take action in some way or fashion. They could probably be made to feel even more godlike themselves. (the greybeards)
- A different way to get Dragon Souls than killing Dragons.
- After you have proven your loyalty Dragons will not be hostile towards you.
- It should be possible to either influence the questline to make the Dragons cease attacking Skyrim, or to support the ruthless attacks.
- It should be possible to betray Alduin in the end.
- The Dragon Cult should be more integrated into the world (although secretly of course)
- I don't know how to handle the vanilla Dragon Priests. Perhaps some of them will be on your side, while others are rogue. Perhaps they are seen by Alduin as part of the "old order". The new emergence of the Dragon Cult requires new Dragon Priests. And the old ones are thrown aside. Many possibilities here.
- If you side with Alduin all the way, the Greybeards, Ulfric and Tullius will all die. Defeating the Greybeards could be the final quest there.
- To keep it simple, it's better to avoid city sieges, etc. Things like assassinating Ulfric, attacking High Hrothgar should be simpler to handle.
- Small things, like 6th House Amulets, bell hammers, etc that were presents in Morrowind needs to have counterparts in Skyrim. Those things, while not significant, really made the world more interesting and alive. Killing a named Dagoth felt special. (the vanilla Dragon Priests did succeed quite well with this too)
I don't have time to write more right now, but this should give you an idea of what I have in mind.
I'd like to hear any suggestions, rants, whatever about this.
And perhaps one day, someone will make something like this!