[WIPzBeta] Informative Splash & Faithful Animated Main M

Post » Mon Dec 09, 2013 2:25 pm

Alright, so I may have many various posts about this and similar projects, but I don't really have one master thread to collect post about them in hence why I'm making this thread.

I'll start it off with something people want to see, screenshots and download links!

Main Menu Replacer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Faof8VrT2q4 | http://static1.nexusmods.com/15/mods/100/images/42595-1-1374950020.gif | http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/42595/)

Informative Splash Screens:

https://31.media.tumblr.com/c74a7552ef15e7a43e37d77d03849025/tumblr_mxiq2atisX1rjqahso2_1280.jpg (mine on right)

https://31.media.tumblr.com/9951d849435f95040601d253bf19287f/tumblr_mxiq2atisX1rjqahso3_1280.jpg (mine on right)


On the splash screens:

A title suggested by others, these are dubbed "Informative Splash Screens". Some will be based on the splash screens from the Xbox version of Morrowind, which contained hints on things about the world and gameplay.

The first two are direct remakes of splash screens that appeared in the Xbox version of the game, created to work with 1920x1080p screen resolutions (porting to lower resolutions is also easy). My aim with this project is to create splash screens which will fit and be faithful to the original art style of the game while being friendlier to newer, high resolution gaming computers.

On the menu replacer:

Based on a great amount of interest placed upon my original project which involved creating an animated main menu based on Oblivion's main menu, and much interest being expressed on seeing the same type of animated menu done which was faithful to the original main menu, I decided to give it a shot. With some work in Photoshop and Sony Vegas, creating a high-res version of Morrowind's logo from scratch and with the help of Nzdawghaus' splash screen resources, which I sharpened and tweaked the colours of, I came up with something. Right now the beta download is only available in a version formatted to 1440x900 displays, but the source files were made at a max of 1080p and can easily be ported to different resolutions.

I also have the menu fade to show the "logo triangles" of each expansion, respectively. I created a highres version of TR's Telvannis logo and intended to create a version which scrolls through all the TR logo triangles but since the majority of TR maps aren't even out yet (and subsequentely their logo triangles aren't available), I'll be putting that version on hold until I can actually get my hands on all these logo triangles. (ps. if someone from TR wants to give me those upcoming triangles, if they even exist, that'll speed up that version's release!)

So, why am I posting a thread? Well, other than to have a place to show off and discuss my work on this ongoing project, it's because I wanted to ask a few questions. Those being:

  • What display resolutions do you use? If you're posting in this thread for the first time, please post your screen resolution. Knowing which screen resolutions are common amongst the people interested in this project will help me prioritize betas and know what resolutions to port it to in the final release.
  • Do you have suggestions for a splash screen? Submissions of helpful hints and phrases that could fit into these? I have at least 20 splash screens from the Xbox version screencapped from various let's plays, however I will most likely not be remaking most of these, as the things shown in the splash screens often have nothing to do with what the hints are, and some of the hints are very immersion breaking (ie. mentioning gameplay mechanic specific vocabulary, such as "level up" and talking about skills directly).
  • What would you like to see from this? Asides from the direction I'm going in it, what do you think would be a good idea?

I should also mention that this project has been an ongoing project of mine for a while and it's not really my top priority, rather just something I do when I want a break from my main projects. Not saying I don't intend to finish it at some point, just don't expect me to focus all my time and energy on it.

So, thoughts?

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Ilona Neumann
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Post » Tue Dec 10, 2013 1:51 am

1920x1080 here..

about suggestion for splash screens, how about interesting things that NPCs say? playing with LGNPC and picking the topic "little advice" you are bound to come with something interesting..

i would love an animated menu that shows Morrowind, Solstheim and maybe TR like the Oblivion map..

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Leticia Hernandez
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Post » Mon Dec 09, 2013 7:56 pm

The menu sequence is too damn long. Almost no one would watch it > 1 time. It ain't worth the effort, IMO.
Informative splash screens are cool, but try to avoid major spoilers, pls. One of the most fun things in Morrowind is exploring little things here and there by yourself.
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Flesh Tunnel
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