what race should i pick if i want to play warrior type character?
1 handed weapon + sheild or 2 handed weapon
tank type/ heavily armored
what are redguards good at?
what kind of build do they excel in?
what race should i pick if i want to play warrior type character?
1 handed weapon + sheild or 2 handed weapon
tank type/ heavily armored
what are redguards good at?
what kind of build do they excel in?
Any race can do anything, but a few start with better stats in your case.
Nords -
Orcs -
Redguards -
I always played with a Dunmer, wuth 1 handed and shield. And I like it.
High Elf.
If the novelty alone doesn't convince you, remember that their +50 magicka allows you to invest 5 levels worth of health and stamina so you lose very little if you pursue Restoration magic.
Orc or Nord is probably your best choice.
I prefer Orc the race ability is pretty good. But the 50% Frost res for Nords is also very good.
Start a new Khajiit or keep the old.
Its important to stay loyal.