I've been thinking of getting back into DiD, because it encourages me to try different things and see how well it goes. And I was thinking of starting on expert, perhaps. But I want the combat to be ending pretty quickly and make it similar to Dark Souls kind of. What would be the best way to do this? I was thinking of starting with making an executioner who would use a two handed axe and would wear the dark brotherhood mask that the captives wear at the abandoned shack.
I was thinking of perhaps setting it to Expert and wearing light armor, but make use of the fortify restoration loop to make some sharper( but not ridiculous) weapons. I want to be frequently on the edge of my seat. Would Master be better? I have never played on it before. I remember having a level 1 Argonian Heavy Armor warrior (this one wasnt DiD and was on Adept) and a level 1 Khajiit hand to hand serial killer,(Expert) and both of them could do ok, but two handed users absolutely destroyed them. If they didn't get OHK'd from power attacks, they'd be at like, 2 health. So no doubt Master may murder me.
I like a good swordfight, but I'm eager to switch things around a bit. Man, I wish my computer could run Skyrim T_T