Q_Q A while ago I stopped playing Skyrim because when I went to Markarth the guards started to attack me! And I tried about everything I could literally and nothing help.... also I started a very awesomesauce character and I don't know if some of my mods were causing this so I didn't reload a save because I didn't want to risk this stuff happening again so I stopped playing.... I mean to be exact their dialogue didn't work! And I think they started to go full [censored] FU logic and started to attack me. I think it all started because I got to level 12 or 13 and that activated the guy in the bannered mare to appear and maybe because of that it started???? But I once reloaded a save and did that quest and still they kept attacking me What should I do? Like I said tried a lot of things and didn't work... filthy bastards.. OK EVEN when I was doing the quest for the Sanguine Rose the when I stopped being drunk and came out of the temple that was when I was attacked so WTF??????????? HALPPP