About this Legendary thing

Post » Fri Dec 13, 2013 12:10 pm

I've noticed a lot of folks typing about legendary, Legendary their skills down to zero and start over?

Also part of the reward of Dragon born is a sort of Legendary thing I suppose..

I honestly can not wrap my mind around this.. Why on earth would I ever do this after working so hard to get a skill to it's peak?

I just stared around after Dragonborn ended and thought.. Wow.. What a svcky reward! Allowing me to max a skill would be a reward. Not zeroing a skill or all skills..

Can someone please clue me in?

Is this done purely to gain levels? -smh-

I just don't get it.. Don't the enemies level with us? Why would I want zero skills at level 30 for instance?


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Post » Fri Dec 13, 2013 8:54 pm

The only reason I've ever seen for using Legendary is to become a master of all trades, Spirited. 100 in all skills, and every perk point given.

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Post » Sat Dec 14, 2013 2:59 am

I think it just resets your perks but not your level in that skill? I could be wrong... I don't usually play characters past lv 60 and not on legendary.

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Post » Fri Dec 13, 2013 11:18 am

Your Legendary skill is lowered to 15, not zero. Plus you get back all of the perk points you spent on that skill.

The main point of it is to give you a respec option, which many people complained about not being included in the pre-1.9 game. I personally don't bother with that myself (if I want to play a different style I'd rather start a new character than make over an existing one), but YMMV.

It can also be used to gain extra levels and not turn your character into a "jack of all trades". With the skill reset to 15, you can level it back up and continue to gain levels (and perk points) using a primary skill, and without the need to say, level up a mage character by using two-handed weapons. This is useful if you want to keep your character specialized, but still reach high enough levels to meet certain enemies in the game, like the Ebony Warrior (doesn't appear until you've reached Level 80) and Legendary Dragons (extremely rare until you've reached Level 70).

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Post » Fri Dec 13, 2013 10:48 pm

Thanks you all for explaining it.. At least now it makes a bit of sense -L-.

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Post » Fri Dec 13, 2013 4:02 pm

You're mixing up the perk point return at the end of DB with the legendary skill thing that was added in a patch. The perk reset is useful as it only returns your perk points but leaves the skill level alone whereas going legendary resets your skill to 15 and returns your perk points.

Personally I can't understand going legendary from both a gameplay and a RP viewpoint...I don't care about capping out at level 40 for using a few skills and I can't RP a reason why my guy would suddenly forget his skills with his weapon.

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Post » Fri Dec 13, 2013 7:00 pm

Maybe the warrior took too many hits to the head, and forgot how to swing a 2-handed axe. :bonk:

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Post » Fri Dec 13, 2013 6:49 pm

Well, I use it on my sorceress. When she get to 100 in destruction, in my main defense, destruction, there is no more leveling up. I have to use conjuration, or illusion to level up. If I am 100 in destruction, have the master skills, then I will do a legendary on destruction. The skill that was 100 is now 15, and I have about 15 perk points I can save and use to help her level destruction up again. At this time, I am about level 46.

From level 15 to 25/30, everytime I use a destruction spell on an enemy, I gain a complete level, and when I get to level 30, I have several perks points that I can use to help her. It does not take that long to go from level 15 to level 30. After level 30, I gain a level in destruction on every other spell use. Then it goes to every third spell use. By the time I get back to level 60/65 in destruction, I have to start working for my levels in destruction.

But while I am way down in level 15, or 25, or 30, I can cast master spells just as good as I could at level 100, for all the magicka I had to start with is still there. I just keep adding to it.

So to me, who only uses destruction the most, it is worth it. Hope that all made sense.

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Post » Sat Dec 14, 2013 1:02 am

ha I thought about doing something like that where my guy gets amnesia after fighting Alduin and 1 of his meteors cracks him in the the head :P

Destruction levels up faster at a higher character level? I remember when my master mage was still a novice, it seemed like it took forever to max out destruction and that was his main choice of magic along with conjuration. Do you use the mage stone or any tricks after going legendary to boost skills faster?

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Post » Sat Dec 14, 2013 12:57 am

I keep seeing people post about how slowly Destruction levels for them, but on my mage characters it's usually the first skill that hits 100, even when I'm also relying heavily on Conjuration and other magic schools. Alteration is usually right behind Destruction. Restoration, OTOH, does take forever to level, for me anyway. :shrug: On my current mage (an Altmer), I started with the Mage Stone, but switched over to the Lord Stone at about Level 25 - 30 because I was getting the crap kicked out of me by enemy mages, and I didn't want to spam resist magic potions.

It's leveling faster after going Legendary because you still keep the Expert/Master level spells in your spellbook, plus you keep the deep pool of magicka you've built up so you can afford to cast them. The casting cost would go up, but that could be easily countered by enchanting a better set of cast cost reduction gear.

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