The dialogues I built like described on the official tutorial site of the creation kit dont work with the persons in my mod. They just dont speak to me and I checked the steps several times.
I also tried to fix the dialogue bug although I dont know what "Distribute the generated .SEQ file with your mod in the usual fashion." should mean?!
The strange thing is also that one of my characters just says some normal automatical phrases when you walk to him and then theres nothing written and when you walk to the other one theres written something like " Press E to talk to John" but there still doesnt happen anything when I press it and he also says some automatical phrases.
Would be great if somebody would hep me because its exasperating and destroys all my work!
Would be also great if you wouldnt answer me so complicated since English isnt my mother tongue.
So did I perhaps miss a step of the bug fix the the phrase quoted or could there be a specific problem?!