Dumb question.

Post » Wed Dec 18, 2013 8:46 am

Been out of programming or scripting for about 12 years now and forgot most of it. Was trying to make a mod, got some (I hope) of it down but having trouble finding how to script something.

Trying to make the Bound Weapons scale with level so trying to make a script so my weapons will change their base damage based on the skill level of the conjuration tree that sets itself whenever they equip it and bonus if I could get it to also readjust whenever the skill levels up instead of having to sheath and recast it.

I am trying to get it on the Bound Axe right now as my test bed. Here is the math I have worked out so it is equal to the weakest of its kind at starting level and as strong as the strongest base version maxed out.

Min Skill level 15
Min damage 16
Max damage 26
BaseDamage == 16 + [(Conjuration Skill level-15) / 8.5]
How do I script this on the weapon?
Also, is there a way to set a duration to indefinite when activated from a perk instead of just some insanely large number? Planning on adding a perk in the conjuration tree that allows them to last until sheathed as well as a few other things and would rather it not have some 1000 year timer for a duration in the menus.
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Ann Church
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Post » Wed Dec 18, 2013 3:15 pm

You are better off using condition functions and multiple magic effects in the spell. See how the mystic weapons perk is done.
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Bethany Short
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Post » Wed Dec 18, 2013 1:22 pm

Was thinking about that too, just wasn't trying to do 10 conditionals when it could be done in a single formula. To be honest, after being out of it for so long, I feel like a monkey doing a math problem again.

Trying to do what I posted here about 6 months ago on /forums/skyrimmodding/modrequestsandideas/54039-mod-idea-to-create-new-class-subtype-a-true-melee-mage/

except for the horse thing and a few of the more intricate changes, not worth the trouble for now. Figured I remembered more about programming than I did, oh well. On the bright side, gives me a skill to brush back up on, lol.

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