And how many?
(yes i know we CAN have dupes by use of glitches, mods, etc, but this is for funsies ... also where did tat "L" come from?
I want to surround nazeem with 50 planted nirnroot.
And how many?
(yes i know we CAN have dupes by use of glitches, mods, etc, but this is for funsies ... also where did tat "L" come from?
I want to surround nazeem with 50 planted nirnroot.
hmmmm, probably Dawnbreaker, one for me and one for my warrior companions when i use them. Ironically, due to some weird glitch, i DID get 2 of them on my Bosmer Cleric when doing that quest. I THINK it might have been because some sort of explosion blew the sword off the mantle, but the quest still gave me one when i clicked the mantle. Also hilarious, because as my cleric uses only maces, I only ever needed one anyway (for Lydia)
Molag bal's mace.
It's so fun to beat up serana with
And Auriel's bow just cause I lost mine because of a stupid disarm shout and can't reload do to playing DID characters.
I could use more Jarrin Root and a one-shot normal means of accessing it
Yep, if an explosion blows it off the pedestal, you get a second one.
Does "Karliah" count as an Item?
Waking up and having a fresh "Karliah" to greet with a mace in her face would be nice. (hate her with a passion)
If not.... "Helm of Yngol" for everyone
Ebony ingot - the most valuable smithing item in the game. Never seem to have enough of them, especially when I need them.
Arrow to the knee courtesy of my Deadric bow improved with an ebony ingot.