Don't worry, I'm NOT about to make an arrow to the knee joke.
But what I'm gong to say is that archery has to be the most over-powered skill for enemy NPC's.
For example, 2 shots for my level 63 Breton battle-mage with 100 light armor on expert from a Dragur death lord is instantly fatal. I'm not complaining that this game is too hard, only that the difficulty is to misplaced, (Another example is mounted Reiklings that do more melee damage than dragons, wtf?)
Possibly the most frustrating implication of this is when you ambush your foes at point blank range and they proceed to draw their bows while you are slashing them and do extreme damage compared to their flimsy melee weapons.
Why does a tiny spear launched at an enemy armored head-to-toe do more damage to them than a battle-axe to the head?
I just don't think it should go like this, "He's just raising his war hammer to decimate my skull, I'll be fine, wait, oh sh--! He's getting out his bow!!"
I understand that this was probably Bethesda's attempt to make bows more viable at closer ranges rather than be next to useless inside enclosed area's like it is (was) in real life.
(Final note, why do arrows that hit your shield even damage you in the first place? Do the dev's need a history lesson about ancient Greek war-fare?)