So, I was wondering if anyone could possibly answer this question for me regarding the cure for lycanthropy and the 'Purity' quests:
*Potential Spoilers*
After completing The Companions questline (Glory of the Dead), you have the opportunity to also cure yourself of lycanthropy immediately after Kodlak.
Most people, it seems, end up needing to complete both 'Purity' quests (Vilkas and Farkas) before they can cure themselves again.
My question is; if you cure yourself immediately (using the altar right after doing so for Kodlak), are the 'Purity' quests for Farkas and Vilkas still available to do?
I know that curing yourself locks out the 'Totems of Hircine' quests, but does anyone know if it does this with the Purity quests also?
For various reasons, including RP, I don't like the idea of needing to wait until I've cured both the brothers to cure myself - but I seem to remember hearing somewhere that curing yourself before doing the Purity quests (which I still want to do - for RP reasons) locks them out just like the 'Totems' quests. Now, no matter where I look, I can't seem to find confirmation on this - so I have no idea where I originally heard it, but I still fear that it's true.
Anyways if anyone can confirm or correct this, that would be much appreciated.