Alright, so in case any of you didn't know this, quite a bit of the pre-requisite mods to Great House Dagoth appear to be unavailable (though correct me if I'm wrong).
Is there any way we can fix this? It's a really good mod, so t'would be a big shame not to be able to do anything with it.
BB Short Silk Skirts: Link in the mod description is dead, though it appears to be the same as the silk wraps in the Better Bodies mod
The Hist has Woken: Completely Unavailable
Clean Chimer of the Light: Completely Unavailable
Silgrad Tower: On the Nexus
PG Dagoth Bonemold: Possibly Unavailable, though this seems to possibly be the same one,
First Guard Armor: Still works at the designated link
I know there is a current project, "Rise of House Dagoth" that is dependent on this mod, but without these pre-req mods, it will be unobtainable for people who do not already have them. Again, I think this is a brilliant mod, and I'd rather it not get buried and forgotten by time.