Crash when leaving Dragonsreach

Post » Tue Dec 24, 2013 4:36 am

This happened before when I was doing a quest to deliver 'something' to the Jarl, and now after I've done another quest where the


stormcloaks forced the Jarl to surrender

-----END SPOILER-----

I'm having it again. Whenever I leave Dragonsreach to get back to whiterun the screen turns dark gray, not the normal black, and you can still see the door and text, but nothing happens. I always have to turn it off and back on and I still can't get out. Anyone able to help?

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Post » Tue Dec 24, 2013 7:49 am

Try clearing the caches (see below):

Follow these steps:
1) To clear the system cache:
Turn on your Xbox and when you get to the Dashboard: Scroll across to the system tab and then select the storage devices option. Next, highlight the hard drive or memory unit option (it should say "Hard Drive, 12 GB free", for example). Press Y for "Device options". Select "Clear System Cache". Select "Yes". Restart your console.
2) To clear the game cache: Hold the LEFT Bumper, RIGHT Bumper, and the X button all at the same time on the Xbox 360 controller as a game is launching. Once you reach the Main Menu or Title Screen of the game, you can let go of the buttons. There will be no notification to you that this process has completed because it is all done passively."
This will occasionally help with issues like these, but there is no guarantee.
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