What race is the Dragonborn?

Post » Thu Dec 26, 2013 11:48 am

I am making this poll, not just for fun but because Iam writing down my quest around the dragonborn and my nordic island Issgard . The goal is to explore the origins of the dragonborn and the destiny after the main official event .
So I wanted to see what races usually are considered for the Dragonborn by people.
I think that it would suit mostly a nord , breton or imperial. , but ofc many possibilities could be .
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emma sweeney
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Post » Thu Dec 26, 2013 4:59 pm

In case you chose a different than human races , would you prefer a quest that self recognize the race and excludes options from the quest in order to fit the lore and the evolution of the story to go fluent
Y or something that instead slight alters the lore and fluidity of story to justify the race selection?

For example

Option one

Character is human all ok story flows finely in lore
Character is non human and the story simply deflects the references , so what happens to another player that plays with a human is different from what is played by the non human one , with a different lore .so the lore will forced to be different for each player.

Option two
The lore is kept the same for both versions despite this might be strange or incongruent with realism and story so for example this might lead to argonian - human relations, mixed stuff, nords that see khajit as beeing nords or the like.
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Alyesha Neufeld
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Post » Thu Dec 26, 2013 6:07 pm

My opinion on this is that the Dragonborn was intended to be of Nord origin. Based on our choices given, and the comments we hear throughout the game, it seems that the game automatically assumes we are indeed Nord.

I feel the the Dragonborn is best suited to be either Nord or Imperial (in that order. Breton could qualify as well, but not as much as the other two choices.

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Post » Thu Dec 26, 2013 5:53 pm

As far as I'm concerned, any race can be Dragonborn. So I can't vote.

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