the only sound of Dragon wings makes me sprint for cover, preferably to a cavern to hide safely in....
ok, this is my first play through, my character is below level 20, and I have Deadly Dragons, Dragon Combat overhaul and SkyRe installed. I kept the Adept level.
At the first Dragon encounter, after awkwardly shooting a few arrows (not sure any actually hit) and being knocked away by the beast's landing, not mentioning getting bathed in fire, I just ran away and hid below an outcropping while the Dragon was circling trying to find me and dosing my hiding place with his breath. Finally he went back to the tower and the others did eventually manage to kill him... honestly, I don't know how.
for now, I have kept that strategy... any other is suicide, really. The Dragons are so fast that most of the time, I don't know where they are until I get my ass kicked.
Same thing with other types of enemies: I can take one on alright but any close combat with more two or more and I end up dead. They flank me (that's SkyRe or Enhanced Enemy AI, I believe) so it's hard to tackle more than one. So I mostly run, hide, shoot arrows and when one is left, I can use close combat.
All of that to say, that's those mods make Skyrim hard, but very realistic. My character may be the Dragonborn, but so far, he's a young pup trying to survive.
I would be curious about your own experiences?