Taken at face value, all things being equal, etc.
I'm contemplating a paladin/undead hunter type character, now that I have Dawnguard installed.
I would be using a lot of restoration for healing and turning of the undead, and knowing that I'll be facing a lot of vampires, a case could be made for the need for magical defenses. There are perks that make shields a good choice, but I was thinking more along the lines of ward spells. I was trying to come up a Pros/Cons list.
- Weightless
- Can move at full speed while active
- Completely negates spell effects targeted at the player (assuming the ward isn't broken)
- Adds extra, if miniscule AR bonus in case of melee attackers
- Awesome against dragons breath and shouts
- Magicka Cost
- Useless against mundane projectiles
- Can be broken
- only projects in front of the caster
- Blocks other damage
- Negates 50% of all magic damage (sans poison) when raised
- AR Bonus, protects against projectiles
- Can shield bash to interrupt enemy casters
- Slow to a crawl if shield is raised (sans appropriate perks), causing you to possibly take more damage
- Adds weight to character
Any others you all can think to add? I really want to specialize in Wards with this character when engaging spellcasters, so I was just looking at some ideas/opinions