I never really tried the stealthy thief playstyle before but a friend's stories convinced me to try it. So far I am surprised how much fun I am having misdirecting and sneak-sniping people with a bow-and-arrow playstyle. Looking forward to a bit of burglary and maybe even some assassinations down the line. :3
What I want to know though, is if it is viable to do this playstyle using clothing instead of (or minimal use of) Light Armor. I've got a lot of things I want to perk up (Archery, Sneak, Lockpick, Pickpocket, Alchemy, and will probably need Enchanting) and I don't know if I have room for Light Armor or Smithing (although I may need to squeeze in Smithing to maximize my weapons now that I think about it...) if I want to get proficient at thievery and ambushing skills. I also want to have more variety of armor to wear instead of just the same old craftables. The craftable/standard armors like Glass and Dragonbone become ludicrously better than more diverse flavors like Falmer and Forsworn due to better Improvement potential when Smithed, but I'd love to be able to mix-match armor more for my character's look. I really like the look of hoods instead of helmets, so if I want to go for this look I see little point investing much into Light Armor (no armor-set bonuses if I use a hood). And since armor noise affects sneaking, I wonder if going full cloth might be a good idea. But wearing cloth armor then getting jumped by mobs is a scary prospect.