I've made a new crafting station that has it's own recipes to make stuff out of various things and it works fine. It is a FURN form. I have placed this in suitable, strategic locations in the game.
I also made a MISC the player can carry around, but when I drop it (of course) it cannot be used for anything as it is a MISC form.
How could I make it so the portable MISC version can be used as a crafting station? It already has the keyword in if for the crafting.
I know things like RND let you drop a tinderbox - click on it to pick it up, click on it in Sneak mode to turn it into a campfire IF you have firewood in inventory.
Other mods have a similar thing where Sneak mode enables new functions.
What would be the simplest way to make the MISC item use the recipes for the FURN crafting station?
Many Thanks!