Portable Crafting

Post » Sat Dec 28, 2013 11:42 am

I've made a new crafting station that has it's own recipes to make stuff out of various things and it works fine. It is a FURN form. I have placed this in suitable, strategic locations in the game.

I also made a MISC the player can carry around, but when I drop it (of course) it cannot be used for anything as it is a MISC form.

How could I make it so the portable MISC version can be used as a crafting station? It already has the keyword in if for the crafting.

I know things like RND let you drop a tinderbox - click on it to pick it up, click on it in Sneak mode to turn it into a campfire IF you have firewood in inventory.

Other mods have a similar thing where Sneak mode enables new functions.

What would be the simplest way to make the MISC item use the recipes for the FURN crafting station?

Many Thanks!


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Leanne Molloy
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Post » Sat Dec 28, 2013 8:40 am

I think it needs to be an http://www.creationkit.com/Activator to be activatable. Or you could use an http://www.creationkit.com/OnActivate_-_ObjectReference script.

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Charlotte X
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Post » Sat Dec 28, 2013 12:15 pm

The way I do it in Field Alchemy is I add a script, which contains the OnEquipped event, to the MISC form. OnEquipped is not restricted to WEAP and ARMO forms so it is called when attempting to equip a miscellaneous item as well. Then I close the inventory screen, use Utility.Wait() in order to let the inventory menu close before activating an instance of the alchemy workstation.

If you want to be able to drop an object, which can then be activated, then you could do a switch when the item is dropped from the inventory or have the previously mentioned OnEquipped event place the activator/furniture near the player.

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