Dragonborn's Last Adventure - Ebony Warrior

Post » Sun Dec 29, 2013 5:25 am

Happy holidays, everyone!

This winter I decided to visit Skyrim lands again, and thus came to the final quest, an epic conclusion with appearance of the Ebony Warrior.

Being the last enemy, tough and (when fighting first time) unpredictable, I made a whole lot of preparations before starting a fight, and decided to make a video story of it.

I did not want to spoil the fun by watching video episodes with Ebony Warrior or something like that, but when I saw them in the video list with other TES:V videos they were like 5-10 minute battles! :D

So I prepared for the worst, and went to the legendary fight equipped with the best gear and followed by best companion I had at the moment.

I wanted to make it following the plan:

1) beat him without follower (if failed go to point 2)

2) beat him with follower (if failed go to point 3)

3) try more times or craft better gear (if failed go to point 4)

4) switch from legendary difficulty to an easier one

Check out the video below to see the tale and find out how it ended:


My question to the readers is how your first fight with him happened, were you preparing like me, or did you had something else hidden in the sleeve? :smile:

Tell about your emotions when you fought that giant for the first time! :turned:

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